Is My Dog Allergic?

This article discusses the allergies in pets, covering types such as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), environmental allergies, and food allergies. It describes symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments for each type.

  1. Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD):
    • Symptoms: Restlessness, agitation, itchy skin, inflammation, and more.
    • Diagnosis: Flea comb test, intradermal skin testing.
    • Treatment: Flea combs, anti-flea shampoos, antihistamines, and spot-on treatments.
    • Prevention: Year-round anti-flea products.

  2. Environmental Allergies:
    • Symptoms: Scratching, wounds, scabbing, ear infections, and respiratory issues.
    • Diagnosis: Veterinary examination based on symptoms, age, breed, and history.
    • Treatment: Avoiding allergens, bathing, vaccinations, and immunotherapy.
    • Prevention: Cleaning toys and bedding, vacuuming, using hypoallergenic grooming supplies, and regular health check-ups.

  3. Food Allergies:
    • Causes: Prolonged consumption of the same food.
    • Common Allergens: Dairy, beef, lamb, gluten, soy, wheat, chicken, eggs.
    • Symptoms: Itchiness, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, weight loss, lethargy, aggression.
    • Diagnosis: Elimination trial with hypoallergenic diet, IgE blood test.
    • Treatment: Hypoallergenic diets – hydrolysed protein, novel protein, or home-prepared novel protein.
    • Prevention: Feed a species-specific diet, avoid feeding human food, monitor for allergy symptoms, and regular vet check-ups.

The text emphasises the importance of understanding and managing pet allergies for their overall well-being.

Original article posted here:

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