All things
Happiness first, weight loss next. That’s our way.

Pongal – Keeping in Nature’s Flow
Dive into the Pongal panorama: A four-day fiesta of flavour, flames, and farmyard frolic! Brace yourself for a journey into the vibrant mosaic of Pongal,

How to Stay on Track during Your Weight Loss Journey
Embarking on a weight loss journey is a commendable decision, but the path to success is often riddled with challenges. In this blog, we’ll explore

The Power of True Forgiveness
To err is human, to forgive divine Alexander Pope Imagine you’re watching an enthralling thriller movie. As the story progresses, you and the rest of

You’re the Best Friend You’ll Ever Have
The pursuit of true and lasting friendships can be very challenging. A large number of species have the tendency to form social groups and establish

My Journey at Simplyweight so Far
How it started… Let us start from the beginning of my journey. I joined Simplyweight in 2019 as a digital marketing apprentice. The job vacancy

Why does Binge-Watching Prevent You from Losing Weight?
Do you know what binge-watching is? Did you know that binge-watching is stopping you from losing weight? Do you know the dangers of binge-watching? If

How Do I Deal with My Emotional Eating?
Ever feel a strong craving for chocolate just when you’ve had a fight with your partner, have an exam coming up or are facing some